Thursday, December 30, 2010

Travel Day back to Raleigh

I do so enjoy traveling. Even when things don't go well. True, I don't know how I would handle being stuck in an airport for three days, but I don't think the experience would turn me into a monster. Heck, you never know who you might meet. If one wasn't stuck in the airport with a significant other, one might meet one's significant other. Hope springs eternal.

Anyway, I had a fun travel day. Got up and got on the road in a timely manner. Uneventful drive back to Syracuse. Found a gas station after a few wrong turns (darn, I miss my GPS) and returned the rental car. Funny, the only counter that had someone at it was the Enterprise counter - so I got to wait five minutes before it was my turn. Sigh.

Went to security, teeny line. My waterpik made me have to get my bag re-checked. I love my waterpik and will surely write a blog about it one day. Had a nice chat with the TSA lady.

Got to the gate and it was crowded. Apparently the plane to NYC was late - ended up being two hours late. But I got to meet a nice couple, the Ryans, Jim and didn't get her name...And there was free internet in the airport. My friend Jeanie helped to keep me entertained by commenting on a lot of my pictures. Thank you my friend Jeanie!

Got on my plane a smidge late but made it to Phillie in plenty of time to get a piece of pizza and get on. $4.10 for a piece of pizza. I thought that was a bit high. Just as I was thinking that thought, an announcement came over the PA saying that the airport had a "Street Prices" program in place - the prices one pays at the airport are the same that one pays "on the street." Hmm.

Cate picked me up at the airport and now I am home. All in all a great trip! Happy I went, happy to be back. I doubt I will be as prolific on the blog as I was during the trip, but who knows.

Happy happy!

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