Friday, December 24, 2010

Day Four Trip to Geneva

Once again, I got up. That always seems to make a day more pleasant. And it was flurrying. I guess that is a good thing. White soon-to-be Christmas and all. Not much planned for the day which is a mixed blessing. Mom had an eye doctor's appointment scheduled, and I wanted to do some more Christmas and food shopping.

All went as planned. We got mom to the eye doctor in time, and then had to wait at least half an hour before she got seen. :( It was just a follow up to her cataract surgery earlier in the year.

Next stop, Big Lots. I have only been to big lots once or twice before and generally have not been impressed. But that video store sales person suggested it for a place for inexpensive videos, and she was right! Some interesting stuff. If I were made of money, I would have picked up a few more. As it is, I got one for mom for Christmas, and a couple others that I haven't decided what to do with. Maybe give them away? Maybe just keep them and watch them myself! Hahahahaha (diabolical laughter, for those who couldn't tell)

Back to Wegman's again. Yes, I like going there. In fact, I will probably go there tomorrow as well (well, today, but tomorrow in respect to this note - Day 5... anyway). Picked up Chicken and beer and some stuff for our merriment tonight - some traditional stuff. Sadly, mom and I couldn't find the smoked clams that are traditional for the Schoen-Rene family. Maybe I will have to break down and go to Tops to look. Hmm.

After that, we came back and I started to cook. Intuition is a good thing, but I did not heed it. I thought that mom's cooking oil might be bad. I smelled it, it didn't smell too bad. I tasted it - a little weird but not horrible, so I went ahead and fried some chicken in it. I got the first two pieces out and put the next two pieces in and, as is my proclivity, tasted a piece of the skin from one of the pieces. Gag me with a fork! Ick, patoey! Yuck! Oh well. I will get more oil and chicken today at Wegmans and try again on Saturday night. I went to plan b. Well, there was no plan b, so I made one up. Mom had some hot italian sausages that I cooked with onions. The spinach salad was still yummy - though the hot bacon dressing I made was way too sweet. I can fix that, though. More vinegar! :)

Later that evening, I wrapped mom's two presents, and after she went to bed, put out the presents that the family has sent for her. My sister and two brothers all sent her something! Yippee!

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