Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day Ten Trip to Geneva

Last Day in Geneva and it was an errand day. This trip was not about helping mom to take care of herself. I think I will head back to Geneva in February and do that. She is not the most organized person. She never has been. Honestly, I am not all that organized in general. I have little pockets of organization in my life. But I think I can hep someone else out with a few little tips and tricks. We shall see. This though, wasn't the trip for it.

I got up and called my brother to check on what his plans and thoughts were. He is going to be heading to Geneva later in January. Yippee. Then I called the airlines to see if I needed to worry! I got right through and the service agent was confident that there would be no problems. Yippee again! Next, I printed out my boarding passes.

Mom was just getting started for the day, making a list of groceries she needed to pick up while she had a willing chauffeur. Eventually we made it out the door. First stop, the UPS store - I opted to mail my knives and other Christmas loot back to myself. My suitcase was already close to capacity. Next was Wal mart to buy a bathmat for the front porch. There is a leak in the room of the porch that created a really slippery ice spot and I would rather mom not slip, fall and damage herself. It probably won't be repaired until spring, so as an interim measure, I put down a bath mat so that she won't slip. Fingers crossed!

We headed downtown to go to the bank, post office and Library. Mom wanted to get Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows out so that she might perhaps not be so confused by the next movie. Ha! I read a little while waiting for her to find some other books, and I was more confused than I was before I saw the movie. After the movies are all done, I think I might have to re-read the whole series. We almost missed going to the library. Mom remembered! It is weird what she remembers and doesn't remember. Her condition makes me want to study psychology and memory in humans. Gee, am I too young to start a whole new career? I wonder how long I would have to go to school to be able to work effectively in the field...

Next stop, Wegmans. We didn't really have a lot to get there - crystallized ginger, some swiss rolls (one of my vices as well), some frozen vegetables and returned some returnables. All accomplished.

Back home, I decided that the more cost effective choice was for me to cook up the leftovers we had accumulated than to go out. I had been looking forward to going to a yummy dinner at one of the moderately upscale places in Geneva. But I can be parsimonious on occasion. I made duck egg rolls, chicken egg rolls, left over mashed potatoes, coleslaw and a smidge of left over steak. Actually, a bit too much food, but I did empty out the fridge mostly! Hurrah!

All in all a pleasant day. True, mom and I did have our obligatory "Augustus is leaving" spat, but it was even shorter than usual, which is a good thing.

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