Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Christmas Experiment

I love to experiment. And am fascinated by numbers. I must, one day, take statistics. I think I would really like it. Anyway, I woke up on Christmas morning and decided to reach out and touch every one of my Facebook friends. I had noticed a lot of people posting a passive Merry Christmas and such like on their profiles. Others wishing others happy holidays on their walls. I decided to write each one of my facebook friends a somewhat personalized note. I didn't write all of my friends. I don't think the museum needs a note, or Paraclete Sky Adventures. And a few of my friends I am in such constant contact with, they didn't need them either. And one or two others might have been skipped by accident. I have discovered a few of those. Glaring exceptions when I noticed, but somehow, in typing out 280+ messages, I did find my mind blurring just a bit.

Here comes the experiment bit. I know that some people are rarely on Facebook, so I don't expect to hear from them. Others are on Facebook often, but I rarely hear from them. Others still are on Facebook all the time and I rarely hear from them. So, I wrote everyone and am seeing what kind of response rate I get.

I will admit, that I did drop a few people as I went through my list. And I will probably drop a few more from the latter two categories - people who are on Facebook often or all the time, and I never hear from them. Hearing from them is either getting a note from them or they post something on my wall or comment on something or like something that I commented on. That sort of thing. Some sort of acknowledgment that we are on the same page, so to speak.

I finished typing at about 12:30 Sunday morning. So far at 10:40 am, I have had 68 responses. Not too shabby. What is that, about one in three? I do hope to get to at least double digits by the end of Monday. After that, the ax falls on a few. I figure if they can't get their acts together by then, they aren't going to. I know, I probably ought to give it a week. We shall see...

1 comment:

The Restaurant Guru said...

Ah ha! I am glad I didn't get the axe, though my response time was lagging. :)