Thursday, December 23, 2010

Movie thoughts on two movies

My mom likes to go to the movies when I am here. That is a good thing, as I get to see movies that I might not otherwise get to see in a theatre. I haven't, sadly, been going to the $1.50 movie theatre in Raleigh as much as I used to. Anyway, since coming up here, we have been to two. And here is what I think of them:

Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawntreader - 3D - I would give it 6.5 out of 10.
If one likes fantasy (I do) and likes the Narnia books and the other Narnia movies (me) then this was good fun. I still think the acting is pretty atrocious, but the effects are decent and the story is one of my favorite of the series.

How Do You Know - I thought this was going to be a thoughtful movie - I thought it was Albert Brooks, not James Brooks. Oh well. I have a thing for romantic comedies. I love to watch them, no matter how sappy and ridiculous. I also like Reese Witherspoon. And Owen Wilson. So I had high hopes. I give it a 5 out of 10. Worth seeing if someone else pays for it.I don't like Paul Rudd. And Jack Nicholson wasn't the optimal choice for his role.

Hey, I was thinking of writing a book of pop psychology based on movies - pick a movie and as a favorite and it says something about you. Does that sound like something that would be successful? Is there a book like that? There probably is. Anyway, comments are welcome?

Crickets, all I get are crickets...

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