Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day Five Trip to Geneva - Christmas Eve

Another lovely day here in beautiful Geneva. If people visited here only during this recent spate of miserable weather, they wouldn't understand why Geneva is a nice place to live. Anyway, we got up and didn't do a lot. Last night, I snuck down after mom had gone to bed and put out the Christmas presents. Mom's family did really well by her and me. Karl, Juliet and Paul and Ernst and Betty all sent boxes with gifts. Mom and I have not done as well by them. :( I put a picture of the tree with presents up on facebook. When mom came downstairs, she wanted to start opening presents right then. Several times throughout the day she asked to start opening presents. I think at about 4pm I relented and let her open a present. She found a lovely copy of Ernst's book of collected works.

I went to the grocery store again. Ok, I have a crush on the grocery store. Anyway, I needed to get a few things for the evening and for future meals. It was crowded! Really crowded. People were parking along the side of the road because there was a paucity of available spaces! I got the replacement chicken, some oil to fry it in - can't wait - some borsin cheese, some more beer, and I think that is all. Oh, a bar of Toblerone. Yippee!

After returning home and resting a bit from my exertions, we had leftovers for lunch - I tried to doctor up the broccoli soup a bit - added some more paprika and some salt - I think it was a smidge improved. Also tossed on the left over sausages and some coleslaw and called it lunch for me and mom. After another lie down, heck, this is a vacation, I went to do some cooking. For some reason I wanted to make Cheese Straws. Turned out that they are easy - well, they require some effort, but not a lot of ingredients. They turned out pretty well. I think when I make them next, probably for the bridge group, I will make them with sharp cheddar cheese and maybe some Parmesan. Another rest, really a reason to check my email and look at facebook and play a few hands of computer bridge. Then it was time to get the scalloped potatoes ready for the oven. I found a recipe that is very easy. And with my new knife, cutting the potatoes was really smooth and fast. And I swear that cutting onions with it causes fewer tears. Before I knew it, it was time to head out to pick up the duck.

Honestly, I did so with a little bit of trepidation. Wing Tai, the restaurant I got the duck from, has been open in Geneva for at least 30 years. And it has a hit or miss reputation. This time they hit. The duck was great!

When I got back, I organized the hors d'oeuvres while mom changed into her new black pants. Then it was present opening time! We took our time - mom wrote down every thing that we both got. Good hauls for both of us! Yippee! And yummy food - cheese straws, borsin cheese, smoked mussels, black olives and hummus! And I started drinking. Goodness gracious, the Southern Tier Chokolat Imperial Stout was really delicious. Later I had a Creme Brulee Imperial Stout. Also a great beer. But both were pretty strong! After we had opened all of our presents, I prepared little dishes of duck and scalloped potatoes for us for our dinner. Yippee!

After eating we watched one of the movies I had gotten for mom. Then watched the tail end of Its A Wonderful Life - on commercial television sadly. I left my copy at home in Clayton. And I didn't bring my other favorite holiday movie - Holiday Inn. I know, many people like the BB Gun movie - never really got into that one. By that time, I was snockered and mom was pretty exhausted and we called it a night!

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