Saturday, December 18, 2010


I actually did some work today. Nothing too strenuous or exciting. I chose a designer. Yippee! Lily Foks actually put us in contact. Heather was the only designer to get her act together and give me a proof of concept. Two others promised and neither delivered. One of those emailed me a proof of concept, but forgot to attach it. Great. Heather was also the most cost effective designer. I sent her a very long email today congratulating her and giving her some thoughts. I hope she doesn't back out after finding out that I am going to be a pain in the butt to work with. Anyway, I did that, a load of laundry, shopped for dinner tonight - salmon with dill sauce, artichokes and maybe another vegetable of some kind - and managed to keep mostly dry. It is a miserable day out there - unless one really enjoys cold, sleety sunless days - in which case, it is a beautiful day!

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