Friday, July 26, 2013

Shuffled off...

Yes, I shuffled off to Buffalo last night. A friend offered to go to Anchor Bar with me to try the original wings. Glad I went. I have never really spent much time in Buffalo, thinking it was far from Geneva. It really isn't, in the greater scope of things. 1:40 to downtown, door-to-door, I think. Not even going too much over the speed limit. Anyway, Anchor Bar was fun. Then we went and caught the end of Measure for Measure done country style by an outdoor Shakespeare company. Fun! Lastly, I got a driving tour of that part of Buffalo! Yay!

I was curious how big the city was, population-wise. I always thought it was twice as big as Rochester and Syracuse. And it might have been, once upon a time. Sadly, it has shrunk tremendously. I do hope that as the weather gets hotter, more people will move back up into these great northern cities. Well, a lot of coastal cities will become uninhabitable, so...

On a completely different front, there are things that I would like to do that I am not doing. I know I will do them eventually (or not) but still...Top of the list, count my change. I normally do this every six months (as some of you know from reading this blog that long)(really? - Yes, really, I have been doing this blog for more than a year. I think...) in June and January. Heck, it is almost August. (Every time I type August, my fingers type Augustus with out me being aware of it until too late...) I also want to do more books - add them to my database, that is. Then again, I am trying to figure out if there is a way to export the list from there in case I want to manipulate the data in some fashion. Hmm. And do laundry - which is actually the lowest thing on my wish list - but high on my actually might get done, list. And mom is threatening that she will go with me. Might be good for her to get out. And I could make her do some actual work! Sit back and have her load the washer and transfer the clothes to the dryer. I could relax, maybe do my nails and read a good romance novel...(Is that an oxymoron?)

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