Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30 Days Hath September...

How do you remember how many days there are in each month? The rhyme? I love the word "hath"! Or the back of the hand knuckle thing? Weird how that works...I still have to do one of them to figure out how many days a month has - though I mostly just guess. This is July and it has, er, hold on, 31! Yay! So today is not the last day of the month. We still have one more day. It has been a weird month for me, time wise. Interminable. And yet not long enough. Always another thing I would like to have accomplished, and actually accomplished a good bit. I do, though, need to get back to the stuff I was doing, and get cranking on the stuff that I would like to crank out. But today, laundry is definitely in the cards. Baby needs a new pair (or at least clean pair) of under-there. (To answer the question of under-where...)

Is that enough words yet, or do I need a few more to reach sufficiency? Wow, spelled that right the first time. Go me!

Yesterday was a Monday. Part of it was spent at the Smith. I had to leave before mom was awake, which freaked her out a bit. I bought an erasable board upon which I was planning to write where I was and leave it for her - but I don't like it. I think I will try again today and get an actual white board. I have always been enamored of that technology. Chalkboards just aren't available readily. Where to put it is one question that has been unanswered. Hmm. More thought is necessary.

At the Smith, I went up into the rafters to trace a sound cable that was run from the projection booth to backstage (apparently). It was kinda scary up there - not as scary as it could have been - but the possibility of stepping through the plaster was always there - and the fall would not have been pleasant. Still, overall, I wasn't all that scared. We tracked the cable and found out that the end on stage had been cut - which I am guessing means that the cable is no longer functional - not that it is no longer functional because of being cut - rather it was cut because it didn't work anymore and it was too much trouble to re-run the cable or remove it (bundled as it was with other cables). Sigh. Still, we will try to get it spliced and working and see what happens.

We also spent a little time working in a storage space, neatening it up. The difference was shocking and so easily accomplished. It looks worlds better in there. And I learned of a third key repository in the space. Sigh. So many keys, so little time. That's another thing I would like to get a handle on when I take over Technical Management of the theatre. First thing, though, is cleaning out the manager's office. It is unworkable in there. Totally. Anyway, I think that is all we did. We did not do any work on the cyclorama (Hey, just because you don't recognize a word, application, doesn't mean it is misspelled!) lights. I don't know that Guys and Dolls (not sure I am going to go see this - or take mom - time will tell) plan on using them. They already have moved in a lot of stuff! I guess it is going to be a big show.

I am going to miss David not being around at the Smith.

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