Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Late post - day and time

Physically a bit on the tired side yesterday. The call for the opera was 11 because we didn't really have a lot to do - just rehang a few pieces of set decoration. Ha! Al decided that it was time to clean the stage area. Sigh. Had I known this, I would have planned it - asked David and perhaps someone else to come in - started earlier and all. But that wasn't the case. So Al and I did it all. If it were up to me, the theatre/stage area would be this clean after every show. And perhaps before every show (production/event). But it isn't up to me. Yet. At least I have been educated in how to run the air conditioning system. A little bit. That is a good thing.

When I was back at home for lunch, I sat and chatted with mom for a little while she ate her lunch. But I could barely keep my eyes open. Yes, I am looking forward to the opera being over. Not in a bad way, but so that I can get more beauty rest.

Monday was a really long, full day of rehearsing. Luckily for mom, Jenny, the aide, came. After a lot of prodding, mom allowed Jenny to dust off the top of her desk. That is great! It was getting thick there. Now if we can just get her to do more dusting in mom's room. And vacuuming perhaps. I would really like to do a deep cleaning in there. And get her a different bed. And I am toying with getting her an air conditioning/window unit. I don't know how much they cost. And to think I had three or four of them down in the house in NC that I abandoned to my friend Ted - or did Paul end up with them. Who the heck knows? I certainly don't!

Mom likes the lemon bars that I made. I think she is tired of watermelon though. I wonder, do coconut and watermelon go together? Hmm. I like coconut but never think of it. Dinner Monday night was frozen Bertoli's pasta dinner. Tuesday was take-out buffet from Ling Ling Chinese Buffet. I am, mostly, looking forward to having time to cook again.

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