Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Charley Horse - Still

Sunday morning I got the first leg cramp that I have gotten in a long time. I think it was because I was a bit dehydrated. Can't many dis-eases and illnesses be traced back to a lack of enough hydrangeas? I mean, hydration? Flowers are cool, too, but a bit off target just now. Anyway, I have been drinking a lot of water over the past few days to get my sogginess quotient raised but I still feel a knot in my left calf. I really do need to get a massage. Soon. Hopefully, some time this month.

Butter was the movie last night. Darn fun, weird, quirky film. I had "Butter" dreams all night. I thought the casting was good and the content was enjoyable. Yay!

The first full day back in Geneva, home after a week in Maine, was very relaxing. Yippee for relaxing. I think mom was very happy to be back, safe and sound in her home and own bed. Neither of us did a lot. I went shopping and ran a few errands. Mom lay around and thought deep thoughts. Or maybe she read. Or both. Or neither. I cooked dinner after mom husked the corn. She watched Antiques Roadshow while I played on the xBox. I wish there was great excitement to share, but there just plain wasn't. And no major or minor epiphanies. Just a nice day of kicking back and relishing homeness.

So, come visit! We will be here all summer! There is still plenty of it left to go around. Summer, that is.

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