Friday, July 19, 2013

Last hot day for a while?

My mom is melting! And I can't really do anything about it. At least the hot weather broke a smidge yesterday and is supposed to break again either tonight or tomorrow - or Sunday at the latest. Yay for living in a cooler clime! Though in hotter climes, AC is de rigueur. I try to convince mom that going downstairs is cooler, but she remains in her room most of the day. At least she does have windows and a good sized fan! (Everytime I use that work, I think of fans (short of fanatics) and want to make some comment like "besides me" 'cause I am her fan - most of the time.)

Had my first staff meeting at The Smith yesterday. Yay communication!

And it was a "dark" day for the Opera. I feel a little guilty that I didn't go out of my way to do anything with any of the Opera people. I thought this morning, or was it last night, that it would have been nice to invite Al to dinner at our house. But that would have entailed getting mom dressed - and in this heat, I have been avoiding that even more than usual. Tonight, though, she will have to wear clothes as she is coming to the opera with me! Yippee.

What did I do with my day off? Caught up a little on writing (no blog, I know - until the opera is over, I don't know how blogful my life will be - ok, speaking of blogging, I don't seem able to see comments anymore without going to each page and looking for them. I don't know what is up with that - I need to write to the blogger help people and see if they can shed some light on this issue for me). Made dinner that was, somewhat, from scratch. Played a bit. Oh, had that Smith meeting. Helped mom navigate the tv as well as helped her watch a Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movie. Looks like she actually only likes two of them - Top Hat and Gay Divorcee. Mom has a memory of Fred Astaire dancing on the walls and ceiling of a room - turns out that was from a 50s movie called Royal Wedding - we don't have that in our collection - yet.)

Since I didn't write yesterday - let me think - what the heck happened. Oh, right, we had Tech/Dress Rehearsal for the Opera, Don Pasquale. It went very smoothly. Sure there were glitches - a lot of the curtains were slow - probably my mistakes for not calling them soon enough. I need to anticipate them a little since the curtain is massive and takes a little bit to get it going. And the performers had a few missteps, but overall, very smooth. It really is an easy show, which isn't a bad thing. I hope we get an audience!

I hope everyone is well and happy! And keeping cool!

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