Monday, July 8, 2013

Oops, I think I didn't do it again...

Here it is Monday and it looks like I have neglected my posting duties. I think I just needed a break. That and, well, not much really happened in the intervening days. Or maybe a lot happened but none of it too darn exciting. Or unmentionable stuff happened, so I didn't mention it. Hmm. I guess we will see as I sort through my memories and see what pops up on the page. No, mom and I haven't died or we didn't have a terrible accident or anything like that.

Drove to Rochester Friday, not for fun. Suffice it to say that a ball has been set rolling which will hopefully help me to breathe (metaphorically) more easily. Yay!

I, Clavdius was not a winner here in Geneva. As a communal, shared event it might have gone over better, but I had no desire to subject myself to the many hours of the series just to enable mom to watch it. She tried one episode and said it was too much for her. But we tried. It goes back to the library today.

Rango was good fun! I rented in hopes that mom might like it, but after watching it by myself, I think it would have been too confusing for her. The story really zips all over the place. I loved the singing owls/mariachi band and lots of other bits here and there, but way too much for mom, I think. I am still thinking we might go see Monster University, if things work out that way.

Of course, we have eaten lots of food over the past few days. On Saturday, I made pizza and was going to make some chicken wings for dinner. I was shocked to find that chicken wings were hard to buy. I remember buying a huge bag of them for next to nothing. The only ones I could find readily at Wegman's cost $3.50 a pound! About as much as boneless chicken breasts (how the chickens walk around without bones has always been something I have been curious about)! So I got us some drumsticks instead - at $1.70 a pound. I offered hot sauce to mom but did not make her have it - she has lost her taste for hot/spicy foods. I had some though - yum!

Yesterday, Sunday, my nephew Sam, his son Lewis and his fiancée Abby came for a drop in on their way from Buffalo to Ithaca. It was lovely to see them and to catch up on their news and lives. Sadly, mom had a hard time with the visit - mainly because she couldn't wrap her mind around who they were. She mostly got who Sam was, but Abby and Lewis kind of escaped her ken. Sigh.

Which brings me to my latest soul searching. I read a(n) FB page's posts about alzheimer's and caregivers. (Quick aside - when using an abbreviation, like FB, do you use an article for the expanded work or for the abbreviation - is it a FB page or an FB page?) Recently there have been a few posts about people being very happy about having placed their loved ones into assisted living facilities. The facilities they mention sound idyllic! Memory wards or areas of care abound with trained staff who seem to really care about their patients. Though I do recall lots of the other kinds of stories as well. I think I know my mom. At least I hope I do. And I just can't see her being happiest someplace else. Then again, I don't really know how far gone she is. Is her reality built up each day as she wakes and finds her way? Does she know where she is? Does she feel safer here than she would someplace else? Am I being selfish keeping her at home? Glarg.

Ok, sorry for the rant. I do question myself sometimes. I find waterboarding especially fruitful...

The opera is in town. I went to help out a bit yesterday. Got the clown van (which I mean in the most bestest way) partially unloaded - only the things that were actually needed for rehearsals - and the costumes (so they could be sorted and such) came out - there is still a good bunch in there - Al does an amazing job packing his van-let! Later, I went and watched an hour of rehearsal. Most of the case are people I have worked with before. Yippee! I didn't go to their inaugural dinner/grilling thing. C'est fromage.

And there we have it. Not the most exciting post, but it catches us all up. Which was the intention.

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