Sunday, July 28, 2013

And one more thing

One more thing that I am going to try to find the will to accomplish in the not too distant future is to update the map in my GPS. It keeps telling me that I last updated it more than a year ago! Time flies whenever. So, add that to the list of things that haven't been done but need to be completed. One day.

There seems to be a conflict between an app on my machine and my USB ports. My mac laptop is old, and the software on it ranges in age from when the thing was purchased to much more modern software - though little of it is trés up to date. So it is not really surprising that there are glitches here and there. Still, it is sigh-ighing! (That is a fff gh). The only fix I have found so far is restarting the computer - which takes time and a teeny weeny bit of effort. The reason I need to do this is so that I can download the pictures from my camera. Oh, and it might make updating my GPS map feasible.

Yesterdays Eisenhower College Reunion lunch was, overall, enjoyable. At least it was for me. Hard to tell if it was for mom. My guess is that, other than the food, she was bored. How do I guess this? For most of the ride back from Seneca Falls mom told me how boring the whole thing must have been for me. I assured her it wasn't. And truly, it wasn't. I like meeting new people and re-meeting old people. You know what I mean. Chatting about this and that and the other thing. And there was free food - not scintillating, but satisfactory. I started with dessert. Not as many people came and talked with mom as did last year. Still, a few did. Sadly, mom doesn't remember being honored. She keeps asking me if she was. But I remember. I have asked Pamela for the remarks and hope she will send them.

Hey, I did something! I got my GPS updated! It took a little while, but I managed. Phew! I feel like my day is complete since I can cross one thing off my mental to-did (sic) list! Apparently (sic) isn't used anymore, according to a friend who does some professional editing. Too bad. I am still going to use it! Phbbbt!

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