Thursday, July 25, 2013

Less Miserables

Last night was movie night, here at Chez Schoen-René. The movie was Les Miserables - the movie of the musical of the book by the same name. I am glad I watched it - but I was underwhelmed. Maybe it was more overwhelming in the movie theatre. I know that I enjoyed the live production of it I saw - I think it was a touring company in Rochester a long while ago. Part of it is the music - there are really only about three different themes in the whole show. Part of it was that I don't really like the story that much. Not sure why. All the death perhaps? Or the amazing coincidences. Whatever. And it didn't help that mom asked me (after about an hour of silence) who people were all the time. I think by the very end of the movie she figured out which was Jean ValJean. Hurrah for small blessings.

I spent a lot of the day yesterday at The Smith - helping clean out the projection booth - which has needed it in a big way for at least a few years. There is satisfaction in making a place that looked jumbled and messy look like it is organized and clean. It took a little longer than I had envisioned, but that is the way of things sometimes.

Today was partly a Smith day too. We had a meeting about the new air conditioning system that was recently installed. After that we did a little tour of the space looking to see in what condition the contractors had left the spaces. Overall, they left them pretty neat! Yay!

I feel dull today. I posted a response to a challenge on Daily Challenge and so far, not one person has commented on it. Sigh.

Wow, and this sure is a dull post. I will do differently tomorrow. Promise!

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