Friday, July 12, 2013

Cooking to do

I have things I would like to do in the kitchen and I am busy not doing them. Like making lemon bars. I just like lemon bars so would like to try my hand at them. One day. And I have a seedless watermelon that desperately needs to be de-rind(ed?) so that just the edible bits are left. Which is everything since it has no seeds. And I am not doing that either. Sigh. Maybe I will get to them both. One day soon.

Wednesday night, as I was putting out the recylcing - which didn't get taken last week because it was July 4th - I decided to be a little ruthless - I put out a large bit of the pile of mom's New York Review of Books newspaper like things. Yay! If, after mom leaves the house, I leave the house too - because as I noted, so far, there is nothing keeping me here - and I am not, surprisingly, getting any younger - then I need to clean it out a good bit - either to rent it or to sell it. I would prefer to rent it for the time being, as I have a lot of stuff that I am not going to find it easy to let go of - like my pool table and my GiJoes and having the house means that there is storage space for stuff. Hmm.

Wednesday night I dreamt that a woman (who I knew in the dream, but upon waking didn't recognize) asked me out before I could get up the nerve to ask her out. Made me wake feeling hopeful. Then again, I often feel that hopeful. Until I eat something. Weird?

Wow, Thursday night was surprising and depressing, all at the same time. After rehearsal for the opera, I was determined to go to Red Dove to have a beer and to say hi to Sarah in her new position as Thursday night bartender. So despite there only being one seat available again, at least it was a corner chair, which really made all the difference. As soon as I walked in, though, I saw lots of people I knew, which was mildly surprising. And they all said hi, which was nice (not surprising or depressing). But they were all in couples - which was the depressing bit. Add to that the fact that Jessica no longer works at Red Dove - which is good for her and sad for me - well, it wasn't an optimal experience. One of the couples did buy my beer for me - that was surprising and nice. Almost made up for the seemingly "rub it in your face that you aren't in a relationship" aspect of the night.

I ate a whole sleeve of saltines while watching Star Trek (original series - only many episodes left to go). Yup. For no particular reason. Well, except that if I didn't eat all of them, there would have been some left, which would have necessitated some sort of storage or they would have gone stale. Few things are worse than stale saltines. I did notice that the sleeve was at least 10 saltines less full than similar sleeves had seemed to be in the past - another example of product amount shrinkage to maintain the same price point. Sigh.

Mom's current memory is "A noisy noise annoys an oyster!" How cute is that? Not one with which I was familiar.

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