Opelika AL at the Econolodge! Woohoo! I slept pretty well and got an early start. Today was one of the marathon driving days that I get to endure, er, partake in. I think It was eleven hours from Opelika to Houston. And I felt every mile of it!
The first couple of hours I didn't listen to my book. I put thoughts into my digital voice recorder. Eventually I broke down and started listening to the book again. It was a dumb book, but I had to finish it. I am slightly compulsive that way. I do like to finish things. Though I don't always accomplish that goal. So I do where I can. Anyway, this was a book about infidelity and a crazy husband. Sigh. Melodrama. Don't want it in my life and not thrilled to find it in my books. But beggars, people who go to the library for their books, can't be as choosy as some other people can be. Over the course of the drive, I did finish the book. Hurrah!
One of the highpoints, for me, of driving on Route 10 is the long, long causeway/bridge thing that covers many miles of Louisiana swamp land! What a cool thing that is! (Sorry, no pictures - my camera and I just don't take good pictures from a moving vehicle.)
I stopped once for gas and continued to motor forward, following my GPS. Got to the Houston Saucer in a timely fashion.
Not an auspicious start to my visit. I didn't see the Saucer as I passed it. It is right smack dab in the middle of downtown. Luckily I had been there a couple of times, and drove past once before, so I eventually found it. It is a cool shaped Saucer. The Pub of Love is upstairs and there is a rail along one edge that allows people to look down into the main space. I went up there first, sat for about 5 minutes and then went to the machine. No one had spoken to me. There was a managers meeting upstairs and none of them said a word to me. I sat on a seat downstairs near the brewtron and a server approached within ten seconds. Good for her! Bad news was the the upstairs was closed - on a Monday! I later spoke with Josh the MOD (Manager on Duty) who told me that their business is not yet optimal on Mondays. Weird!
So I moved downstairs. I had a nice perky young server named Erum who was very helpful and attentive. I don't know who was responsible, but over the next couple of hours, most of the servers and even a bartender or two came over to say hello. Lots of pictures!
Left to right - Brittany, me, Shauna, Erum
Marla (bartender), me, Fiona
Cody, me (and a Shauna who opted not to be in a picture with me - ha!)
Me, Server who used to drink in Raleigh Saucer (her name will come to me)
I also spoke with a nice couple named Jeff and Angela - he is working on his, hmm, third plate?, and she isn't working on one at all. Likes to stick with one or two beers that she knows she likes. She did, though, stimulate me to try to make an effort to go to the Deschutes brewery in Oregon - I am going to be nearby in Redmond! Woohoo!
All in all a great stop! I ate a reuben-esque and toddle towards San Antonio, stopping in Brookshire Texas for the night.
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