Monday, April 19, 2010

West Coast Trip April 2010 - Day Nine

I got up really early and wanted to be on the road as soon as possible. I stopped a few times to take some early morning pictures as I left Jeff's house.

It was another ten hour day, and that was without having to worry about traffic through the bay area.

It was surprisingly light traffic wise. I basically sailed through downtown SF with only a minor slowdown. Yippee!

Once out of the bustle of San Francisco, the drive, though long, was relatively pleasant. I tried to get some scenery shots as I was driving. And actually stopped a couple of times for photos. I really need a better camera - or the camera needs a better operator! :)

I arrived in Eugene at almost exactly 4:00pm local time, as I had said I would. I really like to be on time. Or early. Daniel was at home and waiting for me.

I have known Daniel since our days at Ithaca College together. He had plans for the early evening so we went our separate ways for a while.

My dinner and beer at McMenamins 19th St. Cafe was fun. I had some decent pizza and two yummy dark beers. Yay!

After my repast, Daniel and I stayed up relatively late hanging out, catching up and having a good old time!

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