Saturday, April 18, 2015

Up way too early

Went to sleep at a reasonable hour, sort of, and woke up an hour later. Yay. Did a couple of work things. Then went back to sleep. Then woke up again a couple of hours later. Did another work thing. Then went to sleep again. Then woke up to hear mom in the bathroom. So I did one more work thing. Back to sleep for a third (or is it fourth?) time and suddenly the alarm was going off. Joy. Got up to find mom in a confused state (not all that much more confused than normal, but a little) and helped her out, got her a yogurt and bundled myself off to the Smith. Where I am now, typing in my sleep. Zzzzzzzzzz. 

Home again and going to take a bit of a nap. It is, after all, a time when I am normally asleep. So is it really a nap? Or just a postponed continuation of my nighttime sleep? Hmm.

I slept for a while until, you guessed it... Sigh. Mom and I got a little contentious around lunch time. She tried to kick me. Which was actually really, really funny!

Trying to get my ducks in a row for next week. Two shows that are going to be really, really easy - which scares me a little bit. When I think they are going to be easy, trouble might appear out of nowhere. We shall, of course, see.

Two more forays to the Smith today. One for the conference, one to see if the ticket person tonight wants to be trained on how to use Theatre Manager for ticketing. Fingers crossed that he does. 

I slipped out of the training! Yippee! So I made salmon balls - they weren't awesome and need more spice. But they weren't terrible. Sadly, mom did not snarf them up. Poo even. 

Just watched The Imitation Game and was sad about the ending. What a loss. People's fears suck. Yes? Fear is the mindkiller. (Thank you, Frank)

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