Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hate it when it is like this

I hate being understaffed at the Smith so that I have to do the actual hands-on-sit-around-for-hours stuff. It makes me feel like I have no time, which in turn makes me be short with Mom which is no fun for anyone. Probably least fun for mom, in fact. 

One of my staff members called and told me he was sick and couldn't come to work. I bet he is well enough to travel to visit his father tomorrow. Whatever. This is his second strike. Another staff member, the one who cancelled yesterday with such late notice, I think that is her third strike. I am going to take her off the list as soon as I can get another projectionist.

I have been at the Smith most of the day. I did get a teeny nap at lunch time, but not much of one. Tomorrow I am going to need a nap big time since I am going to be getting up so frickin' early. Poo. I really hate getting up early with an alarm. Maybe my body will wake me up before the alarm. That would be nice. 

The event went better than I thought it would. I did spend half an hour working with a performer to build light cues for his performance piece. Oops, I think I forgot to give him back his CD. I wonder if he needs it. I doubt it. It looked like it was burned just for this sort of event with only 3 tracks. Still, I would rather have had that half hour to do other stuff. But it went well. And I got out when the movie started. Mom was oblivious to the timing - and luckily she was fairly awake when I got home. Made chicken and corn on the cob and green beans (a smidge under done)(which is way better than over done IMHO) for dinner. Mom ate almost everything. I snarfed my food and zipped back to the Smith in time to help get the Panel up and running. The panelists were pretty good about using their microphones. Huzzuh for small wonders.

Got home, chatted with mom, fed her ice cream and then later cookies and prunes (she ate two prunes - yippee!) and gave her some water. Then I played Tomb Raider on the xBox until it was done. Overall I enjoyed the game. Not great but pretty darn good. I do hope they come out with a sequel. 

Now it is time to sleep for a few hours before I have to go back to the Smith. Yippee.

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