Monday, April 13, 2015

Lovely and not

It is lovely that mom had a great visitor for 6 hours tonight. Truly it is. For lots of reasons. Mom felt unabandoned. That is a great thing. Will she remember it? Vaguely. Which is bad. A part of her will remember all of the attention and judge the rest of her time against that - at least for a day or two - maybe longer depending on her brain power. Tonight is one of the nights (I am writing this bit before I pass out from exhaustion on Saturday night/Sunday Morning) that she would try to make a self motivated excursion downstairs because she is over stimulated. Which is one of the reasons that a visit like this one is not lovely.

Another reason it is great is because she did not sleep off and on for the hours of 6 until 11 or 12 tonight. She was chatted with. I do wonder how often her visitor got to listen to the same story throughout that time. Sometimes it is possible to go six hours with few completely repeated stories. My hope is, despite her brain being over stimulated, that in the not too distant future (say half an hour or so) she will go to sleep and sleep until 8 or nine tomorrow morning. Hope springs eternal. 

Another reason it is great is because I knew that there was someone in the house with mom so I didn't have to worry to much that she was going to have any problems - lack of food, water or bathrooming.  Peace of mind is not something to be taken for granted or taken lightly. Ok, so I did check in on my phone (looking at the cam in the bedroom) a few times. And I did send a text or two. Nothing too pithy - just telling the visitor that there was ice cream if mom expressed a hankering, which she did not. 

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