Saturday, April 4, 2015

Great Friday!

It is going to be a great day. I can just feel it! (Ok, no, I can't, not really. I woke up feeling a little worse for wear for some reason.) The reason I wrote what I wrote is because today is "Good" Friday. See what I did there? 

I got a lot done yesterday for the Smith. I am about a third of the way through my instructions on how to use Theatre Manager for selling Movie Tickets. I don't know that I will finish it in time for Saturday, but that doesn't really matter as I plan to go and be there for whoever is doing the box office for the next few showings. 

Just paid all the bills that were lying around. Now if only I could start sorting papers...

Why does it feel like Saturday to me? Weird. 

Lunch is done - time for a little nap and then off to the Smith to help out there for a bit. Sigh.

No nap, though I did sit quietly for most of fifteen minutes.

Stuff and nonsense. Watched a movie. More tomorrow. 

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