Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I lost my shirt!

Literally! I know it is here somewhere. I was wearing a purple flannel shirt (a little threadbare) out and about today. And now I can't find it. Sigh. Oh, there it is. Nevermind...

I am a little different, but then again, so is everybody. My little difference for the nonce is how I love making up little forms and databases and spreadsheets. Not that I will use them consistently, but they make me feel like my life is a teeny bit more betterly organized. I am working right now on scheduling people to help me out with productions at the Smith. It allows me to make sure that at least a few of my t's are dotted and i's crossed!

A slow week at the Smith is a good thing. Especially after the week we just had. Yay, even. I will be doing a few things this week, but nothing too strenuous or stressful.

I really need to get the schedule changed for Jenny and aides to the house. I can't decide about the weekend. Do I want to use the six hours for one day a week and then pay for a seventh? Or use the six hours during the week as 4 and 2 and then pay for two one hours on the weekend? Decisions, decisions...Took the first baby step towards this, asking the county if I make the change through them or directly with the agency.

Trivia is fun. Last night I ventured out for a social occasion. Felt a little weird, actually. I haven't been out on a social occasion in what seems like a long time (though it has only been a couple of weeks, really). Maybe it is all the work that has been going on at the Smith. Anyway, I played with a team made up mostly of grad students from the Cornell experiment station. We did ok. Opted not to answer two questions we did have an answer for and came in fifth or something. Not terrible, but not great either. I had two beers - one was the Breckenridge Vanilla Porter - which wasn't as vanilla-y or porter-y as I recalled. Still dandy, but just not as full as I remembered. And Naked Dove Scotch Porter - which was pretty good.

All in all a decent day!

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