Saturday, February 8, 2014

Cell animation is hard!

I am trying to animate a bird's wings flapping. And boy howdy is it hard work. Especially since I am not used to working with Gimp. True, I have used it a few times now, but not every day for hours and hours. So, I figure another twelve hours or so and I will have five or six good cells. Sigh.

Ok, it didn't take me that long. It took me a good while and I think it turned out decently. A goose flapping its wings. I am using the animated gif as part of my signature. I am going to try pasting it in here, but I don't know if it will show up or not.
Yay, it flaps! I think it is pretty cool. I use it to make Au-goose-tus.

So, I watched The Fountain again tonight. I don't know when I last saw it, but until it started I hadn't remembered seeing it. A science-fictiony sort of love story/creation myth starring Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. Decent to good stuff if you haven't seen it before.

Good Smith day. A work crew came and did a good job organizing yet another space. One that they attempted before but did not do a good job with. This time, with a little prodding from me, it got done decently. Yay. Then in the afternoon, I knocked a few other things out. Charlie, one of the Smith's long term supporters, came in and started the somewhat laborious and arduous task of going through our lighting Gel inventory. The goal being to throw out anything that is bad and confusing and to see how much we have of what so that if a visiting artist asks for a color, we can know if we need to order anymore or not. Also had a good chat with the copier lady. Not an excellent one, but at least we know that we can move the copier for free - and I measured and found out that it will fit easily in the space I envisioned it would live. I do have pretty good spatial relations. I also got a couple of cables I had been thinking about taken care of. It seems like I did more stuff, but can't think of it now. Sigh.

Oh, I made chicken wing dip! I had never heard of it before. A friend gave me her recipe, so I tried it. I think if I make it again, I will add way more celery. I would like celery in nearly every bite.

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