Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Just learned something new - I love Russell Brand (the two or not related)

My day is complete (at 8 in the morning as I type this) as I have learned my one new thing for the day. Yay. Zzzzzzz.

Oh, you are probably dying to know what I learned. Hey, a guy has to have some secrets, right? Then again, this one isn't a big secret. I learned how to unpublish a post here on blogger. This morning, being a still a little fuzzy headed from sleep and odd dreams, clicked to publish today's post today on my relationship blog (which by the way, is getting pithier - this will pass, but there are some thoughts (yes, actual thoughts) mixed in with pure reportage) instead of publishing yesterday's blog today. How could I make such a mistake? Easy peasy! And easy to fix, too. Yay!

Wow, I must really be in a needy, craving interaction mode - I just cleaned out my email inbox. Not totally, I am not one of those people who needs a pristine email inbox - but I went from 480+ messages to 164. Maybe the full box makes me feel connected somehow. Hmm. Interesting...And then I cleaned out my Gmail account - 5000+ messages down to less than 1000! Go me!

Mom is getting on my last nerve. Luckily we are having a doctor's appointment on Monday. Our first under mom's new insurance plan. She is complaining of two things with great regularity and I am guessing that the only solution will be amputation. No, just kidding. The first is "sore all over." Well, this useful piece of information turns out, upon examination, to be the sore spots that she is scratching and making worse all the time, despite constant bandaging by our aide Jenny. The second is "eyes hurt." Trying to figure out what exactly this means is an exercise in futility. "They just hurt" doesn't make it any clearer what is going on. Sigh. My guess is that this will entail a useless trip to the eye doctor who will only tell us to buy expensive eye drops that mom will use for a while to no avail, like the last time. Big sigh. Thank you for "listening" to me vent.

I love Russell Brand. Just sayin'!

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