Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Up for the duration

For some reason, I am feeling put upon and overwhelmed. Just thought I would share.

I know this is all in my head. Maybe it has something to do with Valentine's Day. Maybe it has something to do with how much work I have to do in the next few days at The Smith. Maybe it is the weight of taking care of mom. Maybe it is something else entirely - relationship/Relationship wise. Who the heck knows.

Valentine's Day was long and dull. I wrote a lot of letters - e-mail notes. My recent pithiest correspondent is signing off for a week and that was a bit of a blow. It shouldn't be, since we have not been corresponding that long. But I really enjoy our dialogue and have looked forward to it. And now I won't hear a peep for a week. Part of me is afraid that after that week, it just won't be the same. Then again, it might be.

Other notes were not as pithy, but I did hear from some nice people. That is a good thing. Not as good as seeing someone in person, but a lot better than nothing.


Back again, after a long day on Saturday. I woke at 5 and stayed up. Work started at 7 for me, schlepping tables. Fun stuff indeed. The more fun stuff was setting up the AV equipment for the Fire-people's training session. I knew that we had to put the small projector they had someplace nearish the stage - I was surprised that it went in the second row! I had the small sound table to use and its legs were long enough to go over the seats nicely. I could have run power from the front of the stage. If I am around next year, that's what I will do. I did run sound from there to the snake which worked out fine. Not all that necessary since the guy's/presenter's presentation had about 30 seconds of pretty useless sound all together. Nice guy, dull as lead presenter. I snored or nodded off a lot. Made for a long day, though. On top of that, I went in later and trained a new projectionist. I think he will get the hang of it quickly! Yay!

Hmm, what happened on Sunday? Not a lot of anything.

And now Monday is history as well. More work. I went in to get some preliminary set-up accomplished. All went smoothly and quickly. Yay. Lunch for mom and then off to the doctor's appointment. Jenny (the aide) got mom dressed and nudged her along to eat her food. Then, while we were gone, she did a great job neatening the kitchen. Yippee!

Meanwhile, mom and I had a thrilling time at the doctor's. Well, I had a nice time at least - chatting with the staff. One of them liked Hello Kitty! :) Dr. Ryan suggested that I make an appointment to get mom's eyes looked at, which I will do. Other than that, no big news. Phew and huzzuh! Quick trip to the grocery store - mom has taken to sitting in the car rather than going in with me. Should I make her go? I don't think so. In any case, I didn't make her go into the store. I got what I needed and got right back out.

Since I didn't need to be back to the Smith until time for the event, I puttered around the house and napped a bit. Dinner was a major glop. All of the leftovers (except the garlic mashed potatoes) went into the pan. Turned out pretty well - and the leftovers of that will be my lunch for the next few days. Yum. I put Hunt for Red October on for mom and went to my event. It was a movie showing and talk presented by Hobart and William Smith. It wasn't particularly well attended but was interesting. And despite having to run up and down from the projection booth and up and down the aisle in the auditorium a few times, I think it went smoothly. I got most of the clean-up done last night - just have a few cables to coil and put away that I didn't feel like doing.

So, there you have it. Finally caught up. Oh, there is a new week in review from my relationship blog.

And I saw Ender's Game one night - Saturday night I think. It was ok, not great. I am a huge fan of the first two books (and the others aren't bad - I am just not a fan of the author, sadly). So I had a lot of preconceptions heading into the movie. I think that overall they navigated that pretty well. I just don't like Asa Buttersworth or whatever his name is. I didn't like him in Hugo and I didn't like him here.  Glad I saw it, but sad I saw it at the same time. Now I need to read the book again...

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