Friday, February 14, 2014

Busy Day on Thursday

Not really super busy, but we did a few errands. Mom actually got up and got dressed (with some help from Jenny) before lunch. In fact we did not eat lunch until midway through our appointments. First off, blood sucking phlebotomy! We have a doctor's appointment on Monday. That will be a joyous occasion for sure. In preparation for that, mom needed to get a blood test. So that's what we did. Sadly, over the course of six months, I misplaced the paper that requested the blood test, so had to make a quick run up to the Doctor's office to get a new one - which happened without much time or hassle. Like that! The phlebotomist was a bit curmudgeonly when we first arrived but by the time we left she actually had a little smile. Mom can have that effect on people. Sometimes.

Next stop, Friendly's for lunch. Mom does like Friendly's and feels comfortable there. We had a very nice server who told me that I reminded her of her brother who was taking care of their parents. Mom had a fish sandwich and some coleslaw. I had a Reuben with french fries. Mom spent much of the time "complaining" that she didn't get a Reuben. This was mom's complaining "Don't I like Reubens?" "This isn't like any fish sandwich I have ever had before." Etc. Fun stuff.

Next stop was Rite Aid. I had to pick up some pills for mom. And I wanted her to talk the pharmacist about her flu shot. It was a new-to-me pharmacist named after a hurricane. Ok, not really. But she did say that the hurricane touched down on her birthday, which was sort of odd. Again, she started curmudgeonly, but ended up smiling. Yay!

I offered mom the opportunity (ha) to go to the laundromat with me. She couldn't make a decision. So, rather than drag her there, I left her at home. Laundry went pretty smoothly, had a nice chat with a funny woman from Brooklyn who moved up here for a guy. Brought it home and mom folded about a third of it before giving up.

Next, leftovers for dinner! Yum! And quick and easy. I like meals like that. We had to eat early-ish, so that we could get to the Smith for me to show the movie.

Oscar Shorts 2014 - Animations - five are nominated but they gave us seven to watch. I liked most of them. My favorite was Mr. Hurlbot. I also liked one of the non-nominated films - The Blue Umbrella. I think Is there Room on the Broom is going to win. I liked it but didn't think it was great. It was decently attended. I think mom liked most of the films, which is always a good thing.

So, long day. Yay!

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