Sunday, September 8, 2013

Wow, quite a day!

I finally finished listening to Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Interesting, entertaining - the kind of novel that I wish I could write. Well, ok, I would hope mine would be a little funnier, since that is how I like to think I roll, but still...It took a lot longer than I thought it was going to - more than three weeks! Eeek! I had a dream, that I read a book (350 pages or so) in a day. Haven't done that in a while. Haven't read an actual book in a long while in fact. Maybe one day it will happen.

I ran a few errands yesterday. Grocery store was grand central station - really busy! I guess Saturdays are normally busy. Lots of staff standing around peddling stuff - a cashier friend was pushing papayas. Ran into Cassie while buying veggies. And they finally had salami in stock. I asked the guy what the issue was - he happened to be standing there stocking things - and he said the distributor was slow. Not really an answer, but I am not sure what I expected. Maybe something about there not being as much supply as their used to be as people moved away from things like salami in their attempts to eat more healthfully. Hmm. Speaking of shopping, though, I need to go again soon and get more nose tissue. Someday, I might actually pay attention to how long it takes mom to go through ten boxes of tissue. I hope it is more than 10 days!

After the grocery store, I stopped and got gas in the car. I haven't had to do that in a while - I don't really drive that much. I got my gas at Kwik Fill - they proudly proclaim that they only sell gas from crude that is from North America. Go them! Last stop, Rite Aid to get some pills for mom. I miss my favorite pharmacist. The one who was there didn't even look up or smile the whole time I was there. Remind me not to go when she is there again, please. 

Our lunch was one of mom's favorites. Or at least I thought it was. Junior bacon cheeseburgers from Wendy's. Turns out that mom thought the hamburger tasted weird and that the fries were limp (they are Wendy's fries and are never particularly crispy). Oh well. Our mass produced food is done for a while. Back to Augustus made food for the next week or so. Yippee!

We watched a movie together last night - The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer - starring Cary Grant,  Myrna Loy and an older Shirley Temple. Madcap comedy ensues. Fun and worth watching. At least in my estimation. I don't know if mom enjoyed it as much as I did, but I think she liked it ok.

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