Monday, September 2, 2013

Remembered the forgotten

Yesterday's Daily Challenge was to turn the computer or TV screen off on hour before going to sleep. Oops. I have a hard time with that. Often, as I am shutting down for the night (me, mentally, not the computer) I have thoughts that could be aided by the computer - one last thing to check before sleep - so it isn't running around in my brain anymore - how much something is - where someplace is - it could be anything. Like how much a followspot costs. (I wonder if it would cost less to fix the carbon arc spots we have in house...) Or - who was that in that episode of Star Trek TOS? Or who does the voice for Lilith on Borderlands 2?

Yay leftovers! And there are still more. I hope mom likes quiche again - we have a lot of it left. I wonder if it freezes well. I would tend to doubt it. Just looked it up and apparently it freezes and thaws out ok - in a toaster or conventional oven - not the microwave.

Intense dream last night about being in a show - theatre - I was playing a wizard - and everything was not going that smoothly - well, one of my scenes went really well - John Cleese riding on a horse being funny with a fiery lance that I was apparently responsible for (or at least took credit for). Weird.

I started writing with an idea that I was aiming for - digressed a smidge and in the process forgot what my original aim was. Glarp.

Everything has many facets. For instance, fixing the faucet drip was a good thing. Unfortunately it means that the little green watering vessel doesn't get filled - which means that it takes more effort to water the plants. Which I already hate to do. Sigh. (This was the thought that started me writing today..)

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