Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Looking forward to sleeping in!

Really, I am. This getting up early is for the birds who like worms. Me, I am a steak and potato sort of bird. Let me rise when my body wants to and all will be right with the world. As it is, I am feeling a bit on the tired side. Ok, a lot on the tired side. I really am looking forward to my nap. Which I will have as soon as I post this. Yippee!

Yesterday was not a learningful day. I did get up early again. Yay. And it looks like I will be up early the next couple of weeks. Sigh. I thought a job in the theatre would be starting later in the day generally. Poo. But I digress. I didn't spend a lot of time at the Smith yesterday. I did, though, spend a lot of time on the computer at home doing Smith things. My Smith mail folder is already bulging at the seams. Yippee?

My friend Jeff asked me what about Middlesex made me say that it was the sort of novel that I would like to write. First, I would say it was balanced in terms of description and dialogue. I didn't think it was too talky or too wordy. There was an economy of language in regards to description that I liked. I also enjoyed the fact that the narration changed between first and omniscient third. Not being much of a refined sort of critic mostly I just liked it - which is what I would like people to say about a novel I wrote.

And that's about all. I made some arsenic laced rice (when did that happen?) with veggies and eggrolls for dinner. Tonight I am making home made chicken nuggets. Mom likes finger foods!

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