Sunday, September 15, 2013

Worrying vs. Planning

Most worrying and most planning are equally fruitless. Though it seems that planning is a little less so. And sometimes, planning can help you be prepared for when things take a left turn when a right was expected. For instance, I am going to borrow some light trees from HWS for a ballet in October. And I was going to store them until HWS did a dance performance the next month. Figuring out where and how to store them was taking up some grey matter but I did come up with a couple places and a few questions about space at the Smith. Yay! Then I get a message saying that HWS will need them back after all. So, see, worrying and planning...

Mom is still surprising me. I keep waiting for the next shoe to drop and thankfully it hasn't. Yay! Yesterday she even asked to go to the library! And to New York to see a show! She hasn't asked to do anything like that in a long while. Maybe the heat was debilitating. I don't know. But it is pretty ok by me! She would like tickets to Matilda for Christmas. We will see if we can make that happen. And I hope to get us to the library on Monday or Tuesday.

Things keep percolating along at The Smith. The work has begun to install the new fire curtain. Yay! I didn't realize that they were going to rip the old smoke pockets off and install new ones. Fun, fun, fun! I am hoping that Kate and I will be able to do some more work next Thursday. That would be good. It is our last full week of being closed for a long while. And I can think of six projects right off the top of my head that I would like to get accomplished. The tech cemetery needs neatening - again. The stage right corner under the apron needs cleaning out. The orchestra pit under the apron needs cleaning out. Two closets stage right need cleaning. And a storage space near the dressing rooms needs cleaning out. Yay cleaning other places that aren't my house!

I think I have come to a small realization. It isn't that I am a saver. I am just not good at letting things go. I think they are different mindsets. Similar, but not the same.

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