Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A little of this and some of that

What must it be like to live in Alzheimer's world? Not remembering if you had slept or not. Not knowing what was a current memory and what is a memory from the past. And to be so frequently unsure of what is going on. Eeek! And as caregivers, it is suggested that it is easier to go along to get along. In other words, if the patient (I don't know what else to call mom - mom?) says it is cold - agree - even if it is not. Being right is difficult with an alzheimer's patient for both parties - I know this from experience. The two actual cups of coffee has helped a lot, by the way!

Yesterday, I went into the Smith to meet with a man who is going to help around the place by doing some woodworking and stuff of that ilk. That will be amazing! I would like to have the place a bit better organized! Yay! Very nice man, loads of experience - I haven't seen any of his handy work yet - but am looking forward to it.

Last night was my night out on the town! Woo hoo! Red paint all over the place. Ok, not really. I did go down to Beef and Brew and stuck my oar into a little bit of trivia. Mainly because I was waiting for it to be over. One of the team participants had agreed to go to Canandaigua with me to partake of beer, pool and inexpensive wings. Sadly, our desires were thwarted regarding the wings. They were sold out of them! How the heck does that happen? Whatever. We settled for garlic fries instead that were great! I think I must have eaten 6 cloves worth of garlic. Yippee! Beer was, as usual, inexpensive and the pool was only $1.00 per game - we played five. I do so enjoy playing pool.

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