Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Another Learningful Day

I learned, to my chagrin, that Abscom wanted to start work at 8. Oops. I thought they had said 9. Oh well, better late than never. The Syracuse Scenery people had said between 9 and 9:30 - which is when they arrived. It was an interesting experience to watch the "containment" wall go up. I couldn't really see the work that was being done on the curtain rigging - it was happening on the grid which is out of sight from the house. Heck, it is hard to see from the stage!

Meanwhile, I was keeping myself busy with various Smith related tasks. First, I contacted our film distributors and started getting my ducks in a row there. We normally preview/screen a given film a few days before it is presented to an audience. Originally, David would sit through the whole film to see if there were any problems. Later, he learned that the film could be run without turning the projector on - and then checking the server log to see if there were any errors. Saves wear and tear on the projector and saves someone from having to sit through the film. I also asked them a technical question, to which I have yet to receive a response.

Another mission was to try to nail down the schedule for the rest of the work being done. There are four parties involved and I had to contact them all multiple times. Fun, fun, fun! (I finally managed to do figure it all out today.)

In other news, I decided I wanted to start working on possibly getting our "cloud" machine functional. I didn't know where to start except for the internet. I put in Cloud Machine and found a picture of something that looked like ours. Turns out we have a Brenograph. Yay! Next step, finding out more about the machine. And finding out how difficult it will be to change the carbon arc illumination to something more modern and safe.

All in all a busy day at the Smith. I was busy doing my stuff while the Abscom people were busy doing theirs. By the end of the day, the curtain was completely in the containment unit awaiting dismantling (which happened today - but more on that tomorrow).

Last night, I watched 50/50 which I thoroughly enjoyed. The lead was a little wimpy for my taste, a nice guy, but that is ok - I kind of identified with him. And I love Anna Kendrick. Seth Rogen appeals oddly. I don't know why. It was funny and poignant. Glad I rented it!

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