Friday, September 6, 2013

Late post full of Wonders!

Sorry, it was an early morning for me - more on that tomorrow. But why don't people realize that I can do more if I am awake than when I am still half asleep. Hmm...
Here is a thought that I keep having and wanted to share: Racism (here on Earth) (and maybe bigotry, though I think that one is tougher) might only end when we find actual aliens from another planet and realize that we all here have a lot more in common than we do with them...

I finally broke down and bought honest to goodness Bandaid brand bandages. The others just don't seem to work as well for some reason. And mom needs and deserves bandages that work! Yay!

Work at the Smith continues. Kate and I spent four hours there yesterday working out more of what is where and how things have been cludged together. I think I have a handle on what is working, what is not, what is where and why - for the most part. We discovered two more instruments that have burned out lamps. We got the remote control for the lighting board figured out again. We got a couple of instruments relamped. Tested 30 instruments and found some working ones - stored the bulk of the lighting instruments in a space that isn't used very frequently, and cleaned up the stage in preparation for the removal of the fire curtain. Yippee! Long day - lots of exercise and lots of accomplishment. I like it like that.

Mom and I watched Oz the Great and Powerful last night. Overall I liked it. Sadly, I didn't love it. Mom, despite it not being anything she really understood, liked bits of it. Her phrase that she uttered several times during the movie was - "I hope little kids don't watch this movie" meaning that it was scary for her (and for kids) in some places. I didn't find it that scary. I didn't like the lead actor at all. Maybe I wasn't supposed to. I didn't like his acting. He actually made me cringe a little. I also thought Mila Kunis was did decently until she turned green (yes that was a spoiler). All in all, decent, not great. I did add Mary Poppins and The Lone Ranger (when it is released on DVD) to my Netflix cue.

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