Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Time for a quick post

I have time for a quick post today. Isn't that novel?

So, somehow I got carried away on Sunday and didn't manage to post the blog I had written until Monday. And then, having posted said blog, I didn't get around to actually creating one yesterday. Which brings us to today and a blog that will mostly be about the past two days. Sadly, during those days, not a lot of excitement transpired.

At least mom's neck isn't hurting as much as it was. I think the fear of going to the doctor either made it disappear, or maybe she just isn't mentioning it - though the latter is unlikely. (Spoke too soon - it is hurting again so we are heading to the doctor's office this afternoon - and no, Chris - there aren't two little puncture wounds in her neck...)

I have been having nightmares recently, and I am not sure why. Last nights was about unpaid bills. The night before's has, thankfully, vanished for the most part - just something about my arm. Fun! Although nightmares are, well, nightmares, they are, once I have woken up and am back in the "real" world, interesting experiences. The brain is a wondrous thing!

A friend who was going to come stay at the house while we were away at the wedding just wrote to cancel. Mixed blessing. At least I don't have to make the bed in the guest room now. Oh, I was crafty (ha) yesterday and Sunday. I bought a frame and placed one of mom's items from China in it. Yippee!

Come to think of it, that is about the largest accomplishment I have had in the past few days. I feel like I am not doing much in terms of creating and giving back - contributing to the fight against entropy. I have decided that is what life is partially about. The fight against entropy. Entropy can equal fear - so the fight against it could equal love. Maybe that is something for my self-help book. The idea needs fleshing out, but I think it is a good one.

Cooking is an anti-entropy action. And I did some of it in the past couple of days. I made quiche - egg pie - with lots of stuff I had lying around the house. Huzzuh!

Sorting has been going pretty well, too. Yesterday I found a box that had historical papers in it. I thought the whole box was going to be full of stuff I didn't really feel qualified to sort - mom's old school files primarily, so I was resigned to just reboxing and not getting much done in the way of sorting. Instead, after a small layer of such papers, a whole trove of junk mail was discovered. Hallelujah! Joy and rapture! Lots to let go of. And I also spent a little time breaking down some of the boxes that have accumulated once again in the back study. Yay!

I am once again, behind in my correspondence. Sigh.

Ok, that's it. The short zippy, blog. Even a bit of pith. Lucky you!

Dinner Sunday Night - Quiche

Dinner Monday night

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