Thursday, September 27, 2012

Three Projects

Three Projects. More if you count all of the other projects languishing in the wings - the least of which is certainly not, Sirius Theatre! Hey, who do you know who is in the top 1% who might like to have a nice tax write-off (or possible cash cow if my numbers are right)? All they need to do is fund my theatre company - $5 Million would probably do it. Chump change, right?

Anyway, back to the topic at hand - three projects are sort of beckoning me - again not including life projects like sorting and cleaning and organizing and the blinkety blank house in NC... - sorry, I keep slipping off the current subject - three projects - the project for the woman who wants a bouquet building application - my beer related Tetris like game and my self-help e-book. Any suggestions on which one I should give primary focus?

Meanwhile, I am trying to find someone professional to help me with my clutter. I have moved a bunch of stuff from house to house for years. And, having lived in the same house for 12 years, I have accumulated a lot of crap that I need to let go of. I know I am going to let go of the furniture that I purchased for the house - most of it at least - there is one table that I think I am going to retain. And there are accumulated boxes of papers and such, that need to go. And some stuff I have been toting around for 40 years. Like my hot wheels track. I don't think I need that anymore. Since I doubt I will be having any children in my life to play with it. Sigh. I am not letting go of my GiJoe stuff though. I might just have to play with it by myself at some point...

Any feedback is welcome!

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