Monday, September 24, 2012


Not a wall. Just absent without really saying much about being absent. Mentally and emotionally. Lots of reasons and none. I do appreciate, though, the few friends who made note of my absence. You all are great!

Where to whine first? Ok, not really. No whining. Or whinging as the British apparently say (which reminds me (slightly painfully) of an ex-girlfriend).

We have been doing lots of nothing. Life has felt on hold again. I am waiting for my house mate to vacate the house in North Carolina, so I can deal with that whole issue. She is not being very communicative. Sigh.

While waiting for movement there, I have been playing on the xBox. Sadly, Fallout New Vegas turned out to be just as fun as other games of that ilk - and I admit to a small obsession. Luckily it has passed enough to allow me to do a few other things - like eat and sleep and watch Battlestar Galactica. Turns out I saw a few episodes from the first season. I don't think that I saw any from the later seasons.

We have been watching a few movies - mom by herself on occasion - depending on the movie. Eating, drinking, being merry.

Blah, blah, blah.

Fact of the matter is I think mom is deteriorating. Not dramatically, but noticeably. Funny thing, though, she has been remembering the three magic words from the brain doctor - orange, paper, penny. How weird is that? Before she was only remembering two of them.

Flippety is proving to be yet another get-rich-slow scheme that is fullfilling the lackluster performance goal of my other creative projects. I think a whopping 26 people have downloaded copies. Woo frakking who.

Mom hard at work shucking corn


Love Cloud Pictures!

Diane bought us a new stove - oh, actually she just cleaned the old one...

Mushu Pork, Augustus style

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