Thursday, September 11, 2014

Anything with an "L" in it hurts

Yes, my owie on my right hand ring finger still hurts. I never thought I would envy two fingered typists. Ow. Heck, typing "ow" can hurt if I don't move my fingers over and use my third finger more. Ow.

Did I mention that mom has started to forget who I am? That is a nice thing. She often asks me know if I am her son. And if she has other children. Everyone once in a while she thinks I am her parent. Yay.

Oh, one thing that happened during my hiatus was I got to miss my eldest niece's wedding. That sucked. I had lots of warning. I just couldn't manage it mentally, emotionally and fiscally. Well, I could manage fiscally, but it would have been a lot of money that I am hoarding for when things get really bad. Or just worse. I would have liked to have shared Kristen's big day. I just couldn't see taking mom. And I couldn't find a reasonable method of having her looked after by anyone I trusted or wouldn't have minded having to put up with her for however long I would have been away. See, it is a two edged sword, this caregiving thing, at least for me. I do long to not do it, but I also do not want anyone else to do it. They aren't me. I know that I am not always the nicest or most patient, but Mom is my mom. It might be a trust issue. Who knows? In any case, missing the wedding was not a good thing, but surprisingly the world did not end! Huzzuh!

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