Saturday, March 8, 2014

My mom broke the TV!

Ok, not really. She leaned on the tv while looking for a book and the stand gave way. Not a huge deal. I don't think it was a great stand in the first place. It seems to be working ok as it is, but still, when your mom shrieks at the top of her lungs at midnight, it is a little unsettling. I tried not to "cry" over it, but I was a little rattled. Oh, and the tv works fine. Nothing really broken in the greater scheme of things.

I am hoping to be able to keep mom at home for another year at least. Past that is anyone's guess.

I am really, really, really looking forward to my week off. I was thinking of visiting friends, but so far, no one near enough has volunteered. A few in far off places - like Colorado and Washington State. If I have three months, I would be all over visiting them - maybe after my mom and I are not living together, I might do that. Take another trip across the US. Who knows? But for now, since I have only a week and my first and last days will be spent driving - at least - maybe even my last two days - that only leaves four days to play with. Much as I love driving, I don't want to spend all my time in the car.

My initial plan was to go to Montreal or Toronto. Kill a couple of birds with a couple of stones. Get out of the country - visit rarely visited (by me) cities. Maybe see some people I know from the internet (and other methods). Maybe Pennsylvania - not too far away. Again, maybe see some people I know. I know that I don't want to spend the whole time here in Geneva. Well, at least that is highly unlikely at this point. It would be nice to have offers of places to stay - it would make my trip planning easier and save money - which is always a good thing in these fiscally challenging times (at least for anyone not in the 1%). That would be most cost effective. My time off will include my 53rd birthday. What I will be doing is unclear at this point. Probably driving somewhere. :)

I wrote an interesting bit in my relationship blog. Does everyone know about the story of the man in the flood? (Not Noah...) I tweaked it to be about finding the "right" match. I hope it stimulates some people to respond who might not otherwise feel like doing so. 

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