Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cooking and such

I have been doing a little bit of cooking, recently. By cooking, I mean glopifying: taking leftovers from the refrigerator and adulterating them - yes, making them into adults - by adding this and that, maybe a sauce, maybe some spices and forcing my mom to eat them. Most of the glops are pretty darn tasty. Last night's was a case in point - it could have used a bit more orange sauce, but overall, it was a delicious, chicken and rice based glop. Not quite a fried rice, but close. And I made roasted brussels sprouts to go with it. Yum!

Planning is beginning for my week off. The beginning is uncertain, as is the middle. Though the end is fairly clear. The current thought is - drive to E&B's on Sunday after I am done with my show at the Smith. Stay the night there. Head to London, ON the next day to meet a friend for late dinner or something like that. Next day, to Toronto to meet another friend. Maybe also dinner. And beer. Next day, off to Montreal to meet a friend for dinner perhaps. Who knows? Then it gets fuzzy. Do I stay in Montreal for the rest of the time? Do I head back to Geneva and maybe go to Ben Beaver's Circus themed party? I don't know. At least the plan is partially roughed in. There are way too many variables to set anything in stone. But I, for one, am getting excited! Road trip!!

Does anybody else seek the perfect quarter for laundry receptacle? I think I have found it. My mom used to use a glass jar. I was a smidge worried about that - fear it would break in the laundry basket, etc. I then found that mom's pill tubes were the right diameter - problem was they were too small to hold adequate quarterage. So, the other night, I finished a container for advil. And lo and behold, large enough mouth and big enough to hold enough quarters for a fun and jaunty outing to the laundromat! Yay! Even better, my quarters smell like medicine! Hmm...

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