Monday, January 20, 2014

The State of ME

So, I bet some of you are wondering how I am.

Heck, I am wondering how I am.

Honestly, I am ok. A little burned out, a little stressed out, a little wigged out (or is that whigged), a little bit country, a little bit, wait, that was a couple of other people - where was I? Oh, right, a little bit frustrated, a little bit scared, a little bit happy and a lot of just taking it day by day, day by day, oh dear Ford, three things I, car loan and student loan...again, not me, I was channeling someone named Lincoln, I think. Moving on.

I am well and happy. Yes, my life is not as easy and carefree as I would like. Full time care giver and working part time at a rewarding and sometimes stressful job can have its challenges. Which is to say I would welcome a break, a respite even. I have my name on a respite list with the county but the chances of that coming through are about 1 in 30, counting on 29 people to pass on to the happy hunting grounds. Not very likely. What, you may ask, are my other options? My brother could come and take over for me for a few weeks. My sister has offered to come for a bit; that would be swell. Other than them, not a really deep bench of people stepping up to the plate to help. I have a couple of friends who have offered - if they lived closer. But they don't live closer. Sigh.

Onward. All one can really do is keep getting up and living each day as it comes. Lots of thoughts, plans, feelings and such, rumbling around, but no concrete answers. Not that concrete answers really are concrete answers. I am not yet at the point in my life where I could use another serendipitous moment, or deus ex machina to shake things up. But that time is coming...maybe in six or seven months...

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