Saturday, January 18, 2014

Run Augustus Run

I liked that movie - Run Lola Run - didn't love it, but thought it was interesting at least. I think. From what I recall.

I like feeling like I am running every day. That isn't fun. And that is how I have felt all week. Ick. I mean, I am not exhausting myself or anything. It isn't like I am up at dawn (ok, sometimes I wake before the sun is up, but I generally go back to sleep after puttering for an hour or so on the internet) and then go, go, go all day. This is what was happening: wake up, putter for a little on the computer, get up, check on mom, go to the Smith - work for two hours getting some stuff done, not accomplishing all I wanted to accomplish, head home - make lunch, clean the kitchen, eat lunch, check on mom a few times, sit and check email and suddenly it is 2 and I head back to The Smith - work for a couple of hours, which sometimes turned into three hours - come back, check on mom, head to the grocery store (I love fresh groceries) - return home - sit for a few minutes - checking email (usually fruitlessly in terms of who I would like to hear from but usually some last minute stuff for the Smith) - cook dinner - snarf dinner and head to the Smith to show a film. Get home, check on mom, and eventually unwind enough to sleep comfortably.

Today (Saturday) I was planning on relaxing until I had to head into the Smith. Though I must admit, I am thinking of heading in and working on the Slide show a bit - I have a couple of things to add and want to add a couple of new Smith/Graphic slides that are going to take some work. But we had snow today, from what I can see from my bed through the bedroom window, we had a decent amount of what looks like pretty heavy snow, which means a modicum of shoveling is in order - and car cleaning off...oh, and bills to pay and mom to check on...Sigh. Run, Augustus, Run! (Or am I Forrest...)

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