Monday, January 13, 2014

Mom seems to be deteriorating

My mom seems to be deteriorating, which really isn't that big a shock. I mean, Alzheimer's (and most dementias?) are diseases that just continue to go from bad to worse. It just is a constant shock that this is really happening to mom and to us. Sigh.

I am thinking of posting in the memory people group on Facebook to ask them about one of mom's current behaviors, even though I know that each person's trajectory and experience is unique. In mom's case, she has taken to sleeping with her overhead light on. I, for one, hate overhead lights, much preferring light from the side. Anyway, this can't be the best thing for her. But what can I do? I have, many times, gotten up at some point in the night and turned the light off, only to wake up an hour later and find it back on again. Sigh. One person suggested that I put in lower watt light bulbs. I might have to try that. Oh, and mom complains that her eyes hurt - could it be from squinting in her sleep and staring at the light when she is awake? Those are my guesses/intuitive thoughts. Anyway, I just can't think that it is good for her to sleep with the overhead light on and don't know what to do about it.

A clearer sign of her deterioration is the further erosion of her memory. This one, though, is kinda funny. For the past 10 years at least, mom has been going to the same hair stylist here in Geneva. We went and used the last of the money that Ernst and Betty and Juliet and Paul were gracious enough to give mom for beauty type pampering to give mom the whole schmoo - toes, fingers and hair. Mom seemed happy enough when I got her home. Now, though, she is irate (sporadically) about how "that woman""chopped" her "hair off!" Sigh. Hopefully she will eventually get over this tragic hair debacle. At least she is over her cold. Her appetite has diminished, which is a little on the scary side. I am using her diet as a sort of litmus test to her overall well being.

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