Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Butler - a movie reviewishlike thingie...

I put The Butler on my Netflix list - I love the DVD part of Netflix (actually all parts of Netflix). Well, actually it is my mom's Netflix list. Anyway, The Lone Ranger is next. But, first, The Butler. I put it on for my mom the other night, fully expecting her to say what a great movie it was when I got back from wherever I was (showing a movie at the Smith, no doubt). Instead I got back and she told me that she hadn't really enjoyed it all that much. Quelle suprise! Everyone thought it was a shoe-in for an Oscar Nomination. Anyway, since I had a night-in coming along, I decided to watch it again with mom. Maybe my being there and helping her to understand the movie might help her like it better.

Well. It just wasn't a good movie in my opinion. I like Forrest Whittaker. I like Oprah. I loved all the cameos - John Cusak was great as Nixon - Jane Fonda (!?!) as Nancy Regan - Alan Rickman as Reagan - all good stuff. But there was just something lumpy about it. It just didn't flow. And the whole juxtaposition between the butler stuff and the civil rights stuff was interesting but it just felt contrived and forced. Good history to remember. I love historical movies. Sadly, this one just didn't thrill me. At all.

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