Sunday, December 2, 2012

Not All the time

So, the plan is that this will be a sporadic thing. I hope it will be daily, but life isn't that way, is it? There may be days when I choose not to write her. Maybe I will write someplace else. Maybe I will be driving for ten hours. Maybe I just won't feel like it. I am trying to keep stress out of my life. I think life can be stressful enough (if one let's it) that self-imposed added stress just isn't necessary. Or a good idea.

Phew! I feel better!

Oh, I got myself a new computer desk. I think part of the reason my arm started hurting (yes, it still does) is because of the crappy posture I adopted while typing on my computer in bed. I bought this nifty desk that has wheels and is sort of adaptable to where I am and what I am wanting to do. Yay! Hopefully, I will slowly bring my arm back to happiness. Did anyone know that in NYS one has to have a doctor's permission to go to a physical therapist? What kind of crap is that? Oh well, I guess I will have to find a chiropractor to go to up here.

Mom and I went to see Life of Pi yesterday. I don't think she followed it, but it was so visually striking that she enjoyed it. Definitely see it in 3d if you have that option. I thought it was a great adaptation of the book. And yet again it makes me want to go visit India. I wonder if any of my lottery tickets have made any money. I buy them and then don't check them. Weird? Fear of success?

Still hoping that people will get back to me with suggestions on how to further my cause in getting the job at Hobart in the theatre department...

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