Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feeling Discombobulated

This too shall pass. I know that it will. Most things pass. Eventually.

Yesterday was a relax day. I really did almost nothing. I did go for a walk. And get Chinese food for dinner. And helped mom a bit with her packing. Oh, and looked at accommodations near Hood River. Eeek! Plan B will be in place there. The least expensive I saw was almost $200 a night. That isn't going to happen on our budget. I hate money. Which is probably why there are issues with it in my life. Glarg.

Speaking of money, it is bill paying time here at Chez Schoen-René. Nerp.

As for Flippety - I know I have some work to do but I just can't get my mind around doing it. Truth be told, I just don't want to do anything...

Paid the bills and I am feeling a bit better. Oh, and food helped too.

Getting ready for the big trip. Asking people if they want to be seen. So far, the response has been underwhelming. Which is not surprising. Sad, but not surprising. People fear commitment generally.  No one wants to say, "Hey, I will go out of my way in my tough existence to try and fit in a visit with you." Why should they?

Now it is time to pack. I can hardly wait...

Seen on Campus

Church that looks like a castle

$10 worth of Chinese food

Same food divvied up


Summerhill said...

Best way to undiscombobulate is count your blessings! At least you are getting to take a trip and not sitting in a cube only dreaming of it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Gus, I would love to see Rene and you. The only problem is that I will be traveling to China next week and the return date is not certain...I believe I'll be back in August. If you are in the Chicago area in August and do not mind driving another 7 hours to Minnesota, you are very welcome to visit us. Rene has my phone number.--Luying

Augustus said...

Thank you Summerhill! My discombobulations only last a little bit when the occur. Blessings counting is a common occurrence for me in any case!

Augustus said...

Hi Luying - best if you give me all of your contact information - mom has a tendency to misplace that sort of thing with great regularity! If you have a place to put us both up, a trip to Minnesota is not out of the question. My email, if you want to send me contact information, is