Monday, June 4, 2012

A Betwixt Day

Yesterday was a day of rest between two long marathon driving days. Well, ok, so Saturday wasn't all that long. Long enough, though, that a day not doing anything was welcome.

Most of the day, I spent working on Flippety. Integrating some of the things that Bill showed me and other fixes I had made in other versions. I think I have a pretty stable version now. Yippee. I want to add one more feature and then lock the feature set for the time being. Until maybe version 1.5 or 2.0 depending on what sort of feedback and downloads I get. If only 10 people download that app, it won't really be all that high on my priority list to upgrade the silly thing.

After I did that work, I decided it was time to add a webpage to my site about Flippety. It is mostly a place holder, but a lot better than nothing. Next step, figuring out the steps to get testflight working and get some apps out there to the suckers, er, nice people who are willing to test it out a bit for me.

Other than that, nothing too exciting happened. Juliet cooked a delicious dinner, we all sat around in front of the fire and did nothing. Yay! Oh, there were some pictures shared, but mostly, a lot of relaxing. I like to relax!

On a completely different note: The other day, I got a "Note from the Universe." Fear not, this is not one of those "woo-woo" sorts of things. Ok, well, it is a little. sends out inspirational emails Monday through Friday. Anyway, the one the other day said "Oh, there's definitely room for "picky," Augustus, but there's also room for "surprise me."" Hey, I am always up for being surprised. Especially half way pleasant ones. So where is my surprise already? Hmm? Sure, I am picky, but I haven't been meeting anyone to even be picky about. So? Universe? Surprise me already!! Glarg.

The cove was flooded by rain water!

Even more flooding (and the tide coming in)

Getting Firewood

Dinner a la Juliet!


Even yummier - strawberry rhubarb pie!

The better pie shot!

The tide was as high as it could be without overflowing onto the road!

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