Saturday, February 6, 2010

Broken Ear

Step One - Ear Candling - I am not a fan of Western Medicine. Medicate, Cut, or prevaricate. So I am opting to try some alternative medicine strategies. My first foray into this has been using an ear Candle. This is a ten inch waxy candle like thing that you stick into your ear and set on fire. It burns down about six inches - douse and repeat - three times I read somewhere. I just tried it twice. At the end there is some residue down in the bottom of the candle - the part that was in your ear. I don't know what it is, but if even some of that came out of my ear - ick! It didn't help my ear at all that I can tell, but it was an interesting experience. And I will probably repeat it - at some point. I have put a call for other people's ear candling experiences on Facebook - but honestly I think that most of my friends don't pay any attention to my status updates. :( Next time - Neti pot!

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