Saturday, August 14, 2010

Brainstorming Session - Third Post

We have had the event. Overall, I am very pleased. My two main goals were a) to have fun and b) to be inspired. Both occurred. Yippee! A group of about twenty people came. As prognosticated, only about half of the people who RSVP'd "yes" actually attended. One or two maybes and a few that were otherwise unaccounted for appeared. The space was just large enough and it all worked out. At about 7 I made a little speech and did some brainstorming on my giant yellow ruled post-it flip chart pad. And I chatted with a lot of the great people who came out! The youngest participant was Leland at 13 (I hope that is the right age) and the oldest was Nancy (not Eric's Nancy) at some age greater than 60.

Now, the next task is to transcribe all of the thoughts and see if anything inspires me further. Deus ex machina, where are you when I need you? :)

Thank you one and all thus far!

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