Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Road

I like to read - as those of you who know me already know. I am always looking for books that come highly recommended from my friends, acquaintances and even strangers. Not so recently, Jeanie suggested "The Road" to me - which came out as a movie in 2009 which I have not seen. In any case, I haven't been in a reading mood lately. It comes and goes in waves. When I am reading a lot, I read as many as five books in a week - depending on the length etc. So I sat down last night and ended up reading the whole book. It was a good book on a lot of levels. Definitely a must read for anyone who likes to read. Yippee! More suggestions now welcome. And I will probably look for for the movie at my local redbox - no I have not signed up for Netflix yet. Sigh.

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